Building in
North Port Florida

As the Sarasota real estate market continues to be challenging when it comes to building new construction and not to mention new home prices have increased significantly over the past 1.5 years. In Sarasota, new home buyers are looking to spend at minimum $550,000 for smaller single family new construction home. This has caused many buyers to look elsewhere as they will have more options in terms of size, outdoor space, and even upgrades throughout the house. However, when building new construction with a private/custom builder there are a few things to be aware of that most people do not consider when purchasing a vacant lot in North Port.

Gopher Tortoise
Whenever you are looking to purchase a vacant lot in North Port there are several species of animals you need to look for with the Gopher Tortoise being one of the major animals. These little critters do look very cute and harmless when you see them cross the road or along the roadside, but what you need to know is if one of these little animals decides to call your vacant lot home it can cost up to $6,000 to remove just one of these protected animals from your property…legally. Whenever you are looking to purchase land, what we suggest is always walking the property to see if you see a gopher tortoise hole, hire a person to conduct an environmental assessment, or give us a call and we can help you navigate the purchase of a piece of land that you can then build your dream home on.
Scrub Jays

Flood Zone
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